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A Firework Unexploded will be performed as part of the 2016 New American Theatre's One Act Festival on August 21st and August 28th. More info here:


Check out my profile on the New Play Exchange!

Distance-- A romantic dramedy about distance, relatonships, and distance in relationships.


Rules of the House-- What right do we have to have sex in our family's house?


My Dates With Famous People-- A gender-neutral, flexibly-cast play. Rory has dated many people who have gone on to lead successful, creative, and fulfilling lives, and s/he ponders whether his life heretofore has been fulfulling. A funny, thoughtful, and insightful look at the contributions we make to our society and to each other.


Stupid Fat Ugly-- When Mandy finds out her estranged, gay brother Eric has died, she travels to New York to investigate his death. What she finds out about him-- and herself-- will change her life forever.


A Firework Unexploded-- Ned loves fireworks. Gina is apathetic to them. A seemingly insignificant difference that will force them to question their passions and what they mean to each other.


More will be added as my life goes on, so stay tuned! Also, if you want more info on these plays (cast size, male-female ratio, etc.), feel free to contact me! 



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